- 10/2024: New publication: “Household reduction of gas consumption in the energy crisis is not explained by individual economic incentives” is forthcoming in PNAS
- 09/2024: New publication: “What Drives Demand for Loot Boxes? An Experimental Study” is forthcoming in JEBO
- 08/2024: New publication: “Skewness Preferences: Evidence from Online Poker” is published in GEB
- 06/2024: New publication: “Resale Price Maintenance in a Successive Monopoly Model” is published in JINDEC
- 05/2024: New publication: “Optimal Stopping in a Dynamic Salience Model” is published in IER
- 10/2023: Markus listed among top young German economists: WiWo Ranking 2023
- 10/2023: New publication: “Salient Cues and Complexity” is forthcoming in Management Science
- 09/2023: New publication: “Why “Energy Price Brakes” Encourage Moral Hazard, Raise Energy Prices, and Reinforce Energy Savings” is forthcoming in RAND
- 09/2023: New publication: “On Correlated Lotteries in Economic Applications” is forthcoming in JEBO
- 09/2023: Markus starts DFG-project “Designing & Structuring Financial Products to Exploit Retail Investors with Limited Attention“
- 09/2023: Markus starts DFG-project “Firms’ Response to Non-Directed Attention Allocation“
- 07/2023: New publication: “Oligopolistic Third-Degree Price Discrimination When Markets Are Covered” is published in JINDEC
- 12/2022: BMBF research project “ClimLabels – Transition labels in climate finance” approved
- 08/2022: Markus starts DFG-project “Defining what the relevant market is: A new method for (digital) antitrust“